Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Legalizing Marijuana, Pro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legalizing Marijuana, Pro - Essay Example Medical science has adopted a cautious approach while dealing with the issues related to legalization of marijuana. In other words, medical science neither completely opposes, nor it completely opposes the legalization of marijuana use in America. This is because of the fact that controlled use of marijuana may bring more benefits than harm. Patients who are suffering from chronic pain may be benefitted, if they are allowed to take marijuana in a controlled manner. This paper critically analyses all the dimensions of this controversial topic and argues in favor of legalizing of marijuana in America. Marijuana use is legal in fourteen American states at present. â€Å"The 14 states that have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes are Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington†(Hall & Schiefelbein, p.197). It would be illogical to argue that these states legalized marijuana use without a deep study. In other words, these states might have conducted many studies before legalizing the usage of marijuana in their territories. â€Å"The cannabinoid drug THC has been approved by Food and Drug Administration for use in relieving nausea and vomiting and increasing appetite in people with cancer and AIDS. Testing of other marijuana extracts is still in the early stages† (Find support and treatment). ... A pure preparation of the major active component, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Marinol or dronabinol, is available for treating nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy and as an adjunct to weight loss in patients with wasting syndrome associated with AIDS. Although such approval currently applies only to orally administered THC, for practical purposes smoked marijuana should also be expected to be equally effective (Holister, p.5). The acceptance of marijuana among American people is growing day by day. â€Å"A recent Gallup poll found that a historic high of 46 per cent of Americans favor legalizing the drug† (Abramsky, p.18). Under such circumstances, prohibition of marijuana force people to collect marijuana from illegal sources. Collection of marijuana from illegal sources may cause huge taxes to the government. Clements et al (2010, p.20) pointed out that â€Å"taxing marijuana at the same rate as tobacco is estimated to yield additional revenue of about 24% of the pre-existing proceeds from taxation of tobacco and alcohol†. A recent study estimates that a state could collect tax revenues in the $650 million to $760 million range, if marijuana use is legalized. Moreover, law enforcement costs would decline by several hundred million dollars per year while legalizing marijuana (Abramsky, p.18). From the above findings, it is evident that legalizing of marijuana would help a government to increase tax revenue and reduce expenditure for the law enforcements. It should be noted that plenty of efforts and resources are necessary for the government to seize illegal marijuana collections and to enforce the law. Such expenditure can be avoided

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